Maida Sweet Roll


1.Maida / all purpose flour - 1 cup
2.Jaggery-1/2 cup
3.Bread Crumbs-1/2 cup
4.Cardamom powder-a pinch
5.Oil-For frying


1.In a wide bowl, add maida, mix it well with enough water and make it as dough.
2.Heat 1/4 cup water with the powdered jaggery. Continue heating until the jaggery dissolves. Powder             jaggery well to make this easy. Filter it to remove any impurities.
3.Continue heating until you reach soft ball consistency. That is if you pour little syrup in water and gather            with hands, you should be able to form a non sticky soft ball (uruttu padham). Switch off the flame.
4.Add Bread crumbs to the jaggery
5.Mix it well ,Make balls out of this.This is for Stuffing.
6.Make small balls from the dough and spread it like poori and add 2 tbsp of stuffing in it.
7.Seal it well .
8.In a oil pan heat oil and deep fry the sweet rolls.
9.Yummy sweet roll is ready to serve.
