Ingredients: Ripe tomatoes (about 8-10 orange-sized ones) Red chilli powder-1 tsp. Jaggery -1 small piece. Curry leaves-1 strand. Oil-2 tbsp. Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp. Fenugreek seeds-1/2 tsp. Tamarind - small ball. Method: 1. Cube the tomatoes and set aside. In a large, heavy-bottomed pan, heat the oil and add the mustard seeds. When they pop, add the tomatoes. 2. Mix well and add the chilli powder, jaggery ,sqeezed tamrind and some salt. Wash and throw in the curry leaves too. 3. Keeping the heat on medium, stir well and let the tomatoes let out water. Soon the mixture will become very watery. At this point, lower the heat to a simmer. 4.Dry roast fenugreek seeds and mustard seeds and grind it to powder. 4. Continue to cook ,add fenugreek,mustard powder and stir occasionally until the tomato cooks and becomes thicker. 5. After about 30 mins, it will be quite thick and most of the...
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